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Favorite Songs That Make Merry

Writer: Kristen Lisemby RosenerKristen Lisemby Rosener

Updated: Jan 31, 2020

Disclaimer: My endorsement of the songs below does not mean I fully endorse each artist. The songs listed are those that fill me with excitement and serve as a great reminder of why we celebrate Christmas.

Sing We The Song of Emmanuel - Matt Boswell, Matt Papa (His Mercy Is More)

Go spread the news of Emmanuel! Joy and peace for the weary heart. Lift up your heads, for your King has come! Sing for the Light overwhelms the dark. Glory shining for all to see; Hope alive, let the gospel ring! Is this not the reason we can celebrate?! This rich Christmas hymn has been played over and over and will no doubt be among my favorite Christmas songs from now on.

Joy Has Dawned/Angels We Have Heard On High - Keith and Kristyn Getty (Joy: An Irish Christmas)

My children love this song and I do as well. The gospel story is so beautifully communicated with lyrics like, Son of Adam, Son of heaven, Given as a ransom; Reconciling God and man, Christ, our mighty champion! What a Savior! What a Friend! What a glorious myst’ry! Once a babe in Bethlehem, now the Lord of hist’ry. Hallelujah.

Glorious - for KING & COUNTRY (Into The Silent Night)

This has become one of those songs I blare driving down the road. The chorus always excites me and I always find myself singing along. My favorite is the chorus: He is the chorus to every song that we were born to sing...He is the miracle of the love that set the people free, He is the wonder of the world like we have never seen, it's so glorious. And indeed it is!

Come Thou Long Expected Jesus - Laura Story (God With Us)

Many know this song but Laura Story does a fabulous job bringing it to life. All of creation was groaning in anticipation of the coming Messiah and we, too, can echo the words as we await His return. I pray your heart will desire a fresh touch as you also sing, Come, Thou long expected Jesus; Born to set Thy people free; From our fears and sins release us, let us find our rest in Thee. Israel's strength and consolation, hope of all the earth Thou art. Dear desire of every nation; Joy of every longing heart.

Wrap This One Up - Christy Nockels (The Thrill of Hope)

Wrap this one up. He is the lamb without blemish. Wrap this one up. He paid the price, and it is finished. That death would have no sting, He rose in victory! Oh, hallelujah to the King! The first time I heard this song, I sat in my Church pew and cried. The power of Christ's sacrifice became so real to me as I listen to the words of this song. May it fill you with awe as well.

The Call of Christmas - Zach Williams (The Call of Christmas)

Christmas has a call. Christ came for All who feel rejected, unwanted and alone. He came to call us all to repentance and salvation. We're all so undeserving of the kindness we've been shown, so come behold the King of Kings. Find rest you weary souls. Listen to the call. The Savior waits for you.

Joy to the World (Joyful, Joyful) - Shane and Shane (A Worship Initiative Christmas, Vol. 2)

I never thought I would worship while listening to Joy to the World but I have been deeply moved each time I have listened to Shane and Shane's rendition of this familiar Christmas (and Easter!) carol. Let earth receive her King! Let every heart prepare Him room and Heaven and nature sing!

God Made Low - Sovereign Grace Music (Prepare Him Room)

Emmanuel has come to us. The Christ is born, Hallelujah! Our God made low to raise us up. Emmanuel, has come to us. I love the lyrics to this song and how they remind me that the God of all humbled Himself and become one of us. He made Himself low so that we may be raised and given new life. How amazing!

Come Adore The Humble King - Matt Boswell, Matt Papa (His Mercy Is More)

Another from Matt Boswell and Matt Papa and what a powerful song it is! God unknown now calls us friend... let that sink in for a moment. Love that none could comprehend. O praise the humble King! The lyrics are so poignant and so rich with truth.

All Glory Be To Christ - Sovereign Grace Music (Together For the Gospel Live: 3)

This song is set to the tune of "Auld Lang Syne" which has been my favorite Christmas tune for years. There are several revisions of this song with words that point to Jesus and this is one of them. It sums up our life and our hope. As we close out the year, may all glory be to Christ. Behold our God shall live with us and be our steadfast light. And we shall ere His people be, all glory be to Christ!




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