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Kristen Lisemby Rosener
Jul 10, 2024
Dust to Dust: Meditations on Death
It was the smell of the dirt. I dug my hands into the red clay that now covered my dad’s grave and forced myself to breathe. The aroma...

Kristen Lisemby Rosener
Feb 10, 2023
Walking With Scars: Redeeming the Reminders of Brokenness
My day started out just fine. I had enjoyed coffee in the living room recliner with my Bible just as the sun began to dawn. Soft, worship...

Kristen Lisemby Rosener
Jan 25, 2023
My Heart in 80,000 Words
Seven years ago, my world changed forever. And now, some of my most vulnerable moments have been formatted, bound up, put on paper, and...

Megan McFerron
Jun 27, 2022
A Good Steward of Suffering
Today, my friend Megan shares her heart with us. I've known Megan since we were young girls. Over the last few years I have had the...

Rebekah Hargraves
Jun 13, 2022
Finding Joy... Even in This
Today, Rebekah from Hargraves Home and Hearth is guest posting! She shares her struggles and questions surrounding her husband's...

Kristen Lisemby Rosener
Nov 18, 2019
Blame, Shame and God's Wonderful Name
As the morning sun peeked through the curtains, she slowly awoke. For a few quiet moments, she laid there taking in her surroundings. ...

Kristen Lisemby Rosener
Oct 14, 2019
God Cannot Be Overwhelmed
Thick, dark clouds loomed over the earth as rain began to fall. Lightning flashed and tore across the sky while the ground shook beneath...

Kristen Lisemby Rosener
Sep 9, 2019
15 Practical Tools To Heal When You've Been Betrayed
It happened. You heard about it, obsessed over it and finally proof was thrust into your hands. And you're devastated. Betrayal is one...

Kristen Lisemby Rosener
Aug 12, 2019
Favorite Songs When You're Full of Shame
Disclaimer: My endorsement of the songs below does not mean I fully endorse each artist. I am only listing songs that the Lord has used...

Kristen Lisemby Rosener
Jul 15, 2019
What Calvary Means For The Abused
His shallow breathing could be heard as He gasped. Hanging on the cross was Jesus. The sky was black and the earth began to shake. ...

Kristen Lisemby Rosener
Jul 1, 2019
Five Traps To Avoid If You Have Been Betrayed
My husband is addicted to porn... My husband is having an emotional affair... My husband abuses me... My husband is cheating on me... ...

Kristen Lisemby Rosener
Jun 17, 2019
When That Bible Verse Doesn't Work
I woke up with a start. My body ached as I pushed myself up from the floor. With rug burns on my knees from the carpet and a red mark...

Kristen Lisemby Rosener
May 20, 2019
He Is The God Who Sees Me
Her name meant flight; one who runs. Hagar was the Egyptian handmaiden of Sarah, Abraham's wife. Years after God had promised Abraham a...

Kristen Lisemby Rosener
May 6, 2019
Until It's Taken Away
Then Job arose, and rent his mantle, and shaved his head, and fell down upon the ground, and worshipped, and said, Naked came I out of...

Kristen Lisemby Rosener
Apr 22, 2019
Helpful Things to Say to Hurting Women
Hurting women are everywhere. Divorce is rampant, death is imminent and pain is unavoidable on earth. The church as a whole needs to...

Kristen Lisemby Rosener
Apr 15, 2019
Nailing Your Dreams to the Cross
Every follower of Jesus is daily faced with a decision to either acknowledge the cross or embrace the cross. To the world, it sounds...

Kristen Lisemby Rosener
Apr 8, 2019
How God's Creation Helps With Healing
When anything catastrophic happens, we often tend to pull down the shades on the windows and bury ourselves under the covers of our bed. ...

Kristen Lisemby Rosener
Apr 1, 2019
Favorite Songs for the Really Hard Days | pt 2
Disclaimer: My endorsement of the songs below does not mean I fully endorse each artist. The songs listed are those that the Lord has...

Kristen Lisemby Rosener
Mar 18, 2019
What Not to Say to Hurting Women
You know who she is..... She is that woman sitting alone on the back Church pew. She is the woman who quietly enters the room and quietly...

Kristen Lisemby Rosener
Mar 11, 2019
The sky grew dark. The air changed and became cold. The birds stopped their singing and the sheep scattered from the lion's side. They...
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