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Kristen Lisemby Rosener
Nov 18, 2019
Blame, Shame and God's Wonderful Name
As the morning sun peeked through the curtains, she slowly awoke. For a few quiet moments, she laid there taking in her surroundings. ...

Kristen Lisemby Rosener
Oct 7, 2019
Does He Really Love Me?
Her wavy curls bounced as she ran. At four years old, the backyard was the place where castles stood and where dragons were slayed. All...

Kristen Lisemby Rosener
Sep 30, 2019
Marriage, Divorce and the Church
Every 13 seconds, there is one divorce in America. That equates to 277 divorces per hour, 6,646 divorces per day, 46,523 divorces per...

Kristen Lisemby Rosener
Sep 9, 2019
15 Practical Tools To Heal When You've Been Betrayed
It happened. You heard about it, obsessed over it and finally proof was thrust into your hands. And you're devastated. Betrayal is one...

Kristen Lisemby Rosener
Jul 15, 2019
What Calvary Means For The Abused
His shallow breathing could be heard as He gasped. Hanging on the cross was Jesus. The sky was black and the earth began to shake. ...

Kristen Lisemby Rosener
Jul 1, 2019
Five Traps To Avoid If You Have Been Betrayed
My husband is addicted to porn... My husband is having an emotional affair... My husband abuses me... My husband is cheating on me... ...

Kristen Lisemby Rosener
May 20, 2019
He Is The God Who Sees Me
Her name meant flight; one who runs. Hagar was the Egyptian handmaiden of Sarah, Abraham's wife. Years after God had promised Abraham a...

Kristen Lisemby Rosener
Apr 22, 2019
Helpful Things to Say to Hurting Women
Hurting women are everywhere. Divorce is rampant, death is imminent and pain is unavoidable on earth. The church as a whole needs to...

Kristen Lisemby Rosener
Apr 8, 2019
How God's Creation Helps With Healing
When anything catastrophic happens, we often tend to pull down the shades on the windows and bury ourselves under the covers of our bed. ...

Kristen Lisemby Rosener
Mar 18, 2019
What Not to Say to Hurting Women
You know who she is..... She is that woman sitting alone on the back Church pew. She is the woman who quietly enters the room and quietly...

Kristen Lisemby Rosener
Mar 11, 2019
The sky grew dark. The air changed and became cold. The birds stopped their singing and the sheep scattered from the lion's side. They...

Kristen Lisemby Rosener
Feb 4, 2019
To Every Woman Who's Ever Been Betrayed
Dear hurting woman, Today I walked through one of the happiest department stores - Target - but I didn't shop as long as I wanted to. I&

Kristen Lisemby Rosener
Jan 28, 2019
Get Up: How To Make It When You Don't Want to Keep Going
I didn't want to get up this morning. More than anything, I wanted to pull the blanket over my eyes and stay in the darkness. At least...

Kristen Lisemby Rosener
Jan 21, 2019
Practical Ways to Praise Through Pain
How did Paul praise You while enduring so much pain? I want to praise with abandonment and with all that is inside of me, but I can only...

Kristen Lisemby Rosener
Dec 3, 2018
To the Single Mom at Christmas
Dear Single Mom, It's different this year, I know. You're remembering that first Christmas as a family. You know, the one when you and...

Kristen Lisemby Rosener
Nov 3, 2018
What About Hurting Women?
With one final shove, she fell to the floor. Tears poured from her eyes. With her heart and mind full of confusion and panic, she looked...
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