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Kristen Lisemby Rosener
Jun 17, 2019
When That Bible Verse Doesn't Work
I woke up with a start. My body ached as I pushed myself up from the floor. With rug burns on my knees from the carpet and a red mark...

Kristen Lisemby Rosener
May 20, 2019
He Is The God Who Sees Me
Her name meant flight; one who runs. Hagar was the Egyptian handmaiden of Sarah, Abraham's wife. Years after God had promised Abraham a...

Kristen Lisemby Rosener
May 6, 2019
Until It's Taken Away
Then Job arose, and rent his mantle, and shaved his head, and fell down upon the ground, and worshipped, and said, Naked came I out of...

Kristen Lisemby Rosener
Apr 15, 2019
Nailing Your Dreams to the Cross
Every follower of Jesus is daily faced with a decision to either acknowledge the cross or embrace the cross. To the world, it sounds...

Kristen Lisemby Rosener
Apr 8, 2019
How God's Creation Helps With Healing
When anything catastrophic happens, we often tend to pull down the shades on the windows and bury ourselves under the covers of our bed. ...

Kristen Lisemby Rosener
Mar 25, 2019
Who Is This God?
Many people have grown up in Church. Many more have heard the story of Jesus coming to earth as a baby, amazing the Rabbi's as a child,...

Kristen Lisemby Rosener
Mar 11, 2019
The sky grew dark. The air changed and became cold. The birds stopped their singing and the sheep scattered from the lion's side. They...

Kristen Lisemby Rosener
Feb 11, 2019
The Greatest "Be Mine"
"I don't want you anymore," he said harshly. The words, dripping with darkness, penetrated through her heart as he turned around and...

Kristen Lisemby Rosener
Feb 4, 2019
To Every Woman Who's Ever Been Betrayed
Dear hurting woman, Today I walked through one of the happiest department stores - Target - but I didn't shop as long as I wanted to. I&

Kristen Lisemby Rosener
Jan 28, 2019
Get Up: How To Make It When You Don't Want to Keep Going
I didn't want to get up this morning. More than anything, I wanted to pull the blanket over my eyes and stay in the darkness. At least...

Kristen Lisemby Rosener
Jan 7, 2019
Let Go and Hang On: A Mother's Perspective
Jochebed moved the bulrushes quietly as she waded knee-deep in the Nile. Inside the wicker basket in her hands, she could hear the soft...

Kristen Lisemby Rosener
Nov 20, 2018
Choosing Thankfulness: For Those Unhappy With Life
Autumn is a season of change. It is the time of year when the world is covered in a cobbler crust of cinnamon and nutmeg and the leaves...

Kristen Lisemby Rosener
Nov 16, 2018
Does Love Ever Fail?
We live in a culture that paints love to be powerful in word but flimsy in deed. We love our children and we love our spouse. We love...

Kristen Lisemby Rosener
Nov 3, 2018
What About Hurting Women?
With one final shove, she fell to the floor. Tears poured from her eyes. With her heart and mind full of confusion and panic, she looked...

Kristen Lisemby Rosener
Oct 22, 2018
A Garden From Ashes
Having grown up in the country, I remember my family burning leaves quite often. We would rake up pine cones, dead grass and...

Kristen Lisemby Rosener
Mar 1, 2018
Of Rocks and Crashing Waves
It has been said that God will never give us more than we can handle. I disagree. God is in the business of giving people far more than...

Kristen Lisemby Rosener
Jan 25, 2018
Doing Business in Deep Waters
Under the squelching sun, I watched my three kiddos with popsicle-stained smiles giggle as they splashed in the water. It was the summer...

Kristen Lisemby Rosener
Jan 9, 2018
Safe Under His Wings
From childhood, I could sing the Church hymns. I remember toting my Precious Moments Bible to church and sitting beside my parents on the...

Kristen Lisemby Rosener
Dec 31, 2016
Still Your Love Remains
At the closing of each year, we look behind at what the past 12 months have brought and we look ahead, with expectation, to what the next...
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